Running, how to stay motivated?

Running is a great way to stay fit, healthy, and active and is also a big part of the sport of OCR. OCR, actually primarily is a running sport, and therefore I have had a long journey (myself not coming with a running background) to find the love for running. But for many people, including me, it isn't always easy to stay motivated to run and finding consistently can be areal challenge. In this blog post, I'll share some tips and strategies that has helped med, to stay motivated for running. Hopefully, some of them will help you, so you can reach your running goals and enjoy all the benefits of this great activity you can do anywhere, at any time (just need to always have your running shoes near you).

Running in beautiful mother nature is one of the most nurturing tings I can do for my body and mind. Picture by Esben Zøllner Olesen

Here are 5 good tips, I have used a lot in creating consistency and love for my running training:

Set realistic goals, but have small goals: One of the best ways to stay motivated for running is to set realistic goals that you can work towards, I like the smaller goals. Eg run 2 times a week, sign up for a local race 2-3 months out in the future. Whether it's running a certain distance or time, or participating in a race, having a specific goal in mind can give you a sense of purpose and help you stay focused on your training. Just make sure your goals are realistic and achievable, so you don't end up feeling discouraged if you don't meet them. And make sure to be kind to yourself, getting goals shall be motivating!

Create a routine: Establishing a regular running routine can be a powerful motivator, and consistency in running is key. When you know that you're going to run at a certain time or on certain days, it becomes a habit, and it's easier to stick to. Try to find a time that works for you, whether it's early in the morning, during your lunch break, or in the evening, and stick to it as much as possible.

Find a running buddy/training community: Running with a friend or a group can be a great motivator, especially on those dayswhen you don't feel like running. When you know that someone is counting on you to show up, it's harder to skip your workout. Plus, running with a buddy can make the experience more enjoyable and help you push yourself to new levels.

Mix it up: Doing the same workout over and over again can get boring, which can make it harder to stay motivated. Try mixing up your routine by adding new routes, changing your pace, or trying different types of workouts, like interval training or hill repeats.Not only will this keep things interesting, but it can also help you breakthrough plateaus and make progress towards your goals.

Reward yourself: Finally, don't forget to reward yourself for your hard work and dedication. Set up small rewards for yourself when you reach milestones, like anew pair of running shoes, a massage, a small get away vacation. Celebrating your achievements can help you stay motivated and remind you of the progress you've made.

One of my favorite running workouts is running a threshold session, combined with a speed piece at the end (keep in mind, that I run around 60-80km a week). This is relevant in OCR, as throughout a race we tend to tire-out. This is an ideal way to practice speed when you are tired. Focus is of course still to run with nice biomechanics, and change speed accordantly:


Ida Mathilde's Go-To workout

3K warmup

4*4minThreshold – 1 min break


4 x(60-45-30) Speed (below 5K pace speed sections) 30s break between speed sections

3K dejog

In conclusion, staying motivated for running takes effort and dedication, but it's worth it in the end. By setting realistic goals, creating a routine, finding a running buddy, mixing up your routine, and rewarding yourself, you can stay motivated and achieve your running goals.

Remember to listen to your body, take rest days when needed, and have fun along the way. Signing up for smaller local running events, and or OCR races/other branches of races that require running can also help keep you motivated.

Happy running!

Running at Amager Bakke - Copenhill in the center of Copenhagen you can skim in the background. Picture: Esben Zøllner Olesen